


为何这家养生会所项目 398 元最贵?隔壁休闲中心服务差不多,价格为何更贵?

Why is the price of this health club project the most expensive at 398 yuan? The service in the neighboring leisure center is similar, but why is the price higher?

The reason why the 398-yuan project in this place is the most expensive is specific as shown in the picture. There is a better leisure center next door, and the service is similar. The name will not be mentioned, and you can find it yourself. This place does not include an overnight stay, and所谓 ordering is also charged. The price is even more expensive than that of Baiyun Airport.居然一个排骨面 costs 35 yuan. I will never go to this store again. I feel that there is nothing人情味, and it is not worth spending! I feel that it is not worth going there for consumption!!! After I paid the bill, those little brother technicians all became very indifferent and ignored me.估计 they just坑坑 The guests of the Binghua Hotel next door, do not recommend you to go, it is really too rubbish!!!!!!!!!!

为何这家养生会所项目 398 元最贵?隔壁休闲中心服务差不多,价格为何更贵?


